A highly worthwhile experience!

I heard about Katy's practice through a close friend who had had a session with Katy. Upon hearing about my friend's experience I immediately wanted to have my own session. I have a fairly agnostic approach to my belief system, but I went in with an open and curious mind.

The experience overall was so valuable, to be able to peer into the depths of ones own mind is fascinating. The thing that stands out to me the most, is how conscious I was during the entire session of being hypnotized. I was so fully conscious that at times I felt that I wasn't hypnotized any longer, but then I would experience a feeling so profound that tears would start pouring out of my eyes without warning. I was indeed hypnotized. Wandering through my past memories was interesting, and again at one point I felt that I should tell Katy that it wasn't working, but she patiently guided me to keep looking. Deep in the recesses of my memories I found a fountain that sits in a town square. The depth to which I missed this fountain still brings tears to my eyes when thinking of it, a week later. It was at one time, a very special and important place to me.   

For me the most valuable part of the experience, was when Katy and my subconscious went over the questions that I had prepared for the session. We all know what we should do or not do, but find it easy to lie to ourselves and make excuses, but your subconscious will not be party to that nonsense. My subconscious gave me the tough love I needed to find the motivation to exercise again telling me that all of my aches, pains, and ailments would all be solved by getting back into a regular exercise routine and eating better. A fact I've known all along, but a fact that I had allowed myself to conveniently forget. 

My take overall away from the session, a deeper sense of acceptance and self love. I have started exercising, and painting again, but with a major reduction in negative self talk.  My exercise routine is less rigorous and more enjoyable that in previous attempts to get back to running. My paintings have been more free and I'm having fun with the medium again, without the undue pressure I was putting on myself to paint a perfect picture each time.    

I think anyone who approaches hypnotherapy with an open mind regardless of their beliefs, will come away with a valuable experience that can't be had anywhere else. I will be forever grateful to Katy for her time and the experience, and hope to visit her on an annual basis. 

~ J. Myer 


My session with Katy was a wonderful and insightful experience.

I felt so at ease and trusting of her the moment I arrived and that continued and got deeper as the session went on. I appreciated her presence and care as I shared my life story. What a wonderful and unique opportunity to reflect on my entire life and have Katy as a witness to all the big and small moments of my journey. 

As the session proceeded, I was grateful for the safe space Katy created to let all my worries go and to tune into my subconscious during the hypnosis. I received endless messages and insights from my higher self that were not distracted by thoughts or ego or daily concerns. What a gift, to have what felt like limitless time, to tune into such a clear, expansive, and abundant energy. When we asked the questions I had prepared, I received confident and concise responses from my higher self that gave me direct feedback and next steps to take in my life. Answers to everything from helpful daily habits, to my soul's highest purpose to career 'advice' were clearly given to me. I received tangible, very useful answers to some practical questions as well as some insights into some more 'mysterious' quandaries.  

I can't express the amount of gratitude I have for Katy's kind and caring facilitation of my hypnosis experience and for feeling all of that divine love!! Deepest bows and highest praise Katy!-

~ Beth King